New Hampshire Football Report

XTRA discount available

New Hampshire Football Report is currently offering a $20 discount on XTRA annual memberships through the end of the year (Dec. 31). Those who take advantage of this discount will have access to all high school and college XTRA content that appears on the site through the end of the 2017 season. In addition, XTRA content will appear throughout the offseason. Some of the planned offseason coverage appears below.

To receive the $20 discount enter the code XMAS when registering.

Your support will help offset some of the costs associated with maintaining this web site. Thank you for considering an XTRA membership.

Roger Brown
New Hampshire Football Report publisher

The NHFR All-State Team: NHFR produces the only “true” all-state team that features players from all three divisions.

The NHFR Top 50: A list of the Top 50 high school players in the state.

• Recruiting coverage.

• The NHFR Top 10 high school games of the year.

• Expanded coverage of the CHaD East/West All-Star Game, and the Shrine Maple Sugar Bowl.

• Player features and team previews during the high school and college preseason.



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