New Hampshire Football Report

Monadnock selects Avery

Although Linwood Patnode resigned as Monadnock Regional High School’s varsity football coach in December, don’t expect the Huskies to change how they do things next fall.

Ryan Avery, who was hired as Monadnock’s varsity coach Tuesday, served as an assistant coach under Patnode for the last seven seasons. He said much of last year’s coaching staff will remain on board as well.

“We’re going to keep doing pretty much the same thing, although I may tweak things here and there,” Avery said. “I want to keep it as smooth as possible for the kids. Kids can have a hard time adjusting to change.

“It’s no secret we’re a ground-and-pound team. We like to push people around.”

Avery, a 40-year-old Swanzey resident, graduated from Monadnock in 1994. He works for Fairpoint Communications.

Patnode became Monadnock’s head coach in 2010 and guided the Huskies to a 44-25 record in seven seasons. The Huskies won the Division V championship in 2012.

Monadnock went 9-1 in Division III last season. The Huskies were 8-0 during the regular season and lost to Stevens in the Division III semifinals.

“I’m super excited,” Avery said. “I’m very passionate about it. Very excited for me, the school, the community. Linwood did a good job of preparing me for this. There was some bad football here, but the program really took off when he took over. I’m excited to hopefully keep hat Linwood started going.”

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