New Hampshire Football Report

Shrine coaches selected

LEBANON — Winnisquam Regional High School’s Pat Riberdy and Windsor High School’s Greg Balch have been named the head coaches for the 2018 Shrine Maple Sugar Bowl.

Next year’s game will be played Aug. 4 at Castleton (Vt.) University. The opening kickoff is scheduled for 5:30 p.m.

Riberdy, a Franklin High School graduate, recently completed his 11th season as Winnisquam’s head coach.

“As this year’s selected coach I am honored and appreciate the opportunity to help the Shriners’ organization by bringing attention to such a great cause that helps so many children in need by raising donations from the New Hampshire/Vermont Shrine Maple Sugar Bowl,” Riberdy said. “I am excited to take part in all of the tradition associated with this event.”

Balch has been Windsor’s head coach since 2013.

“I grew up in awe of the Shrine game in respect to the quality of play and the significance of the game,” Balch said. “I am truly honored to be selected to coach this game in 2018. I look forward to stressing the significance of the game and the power of coming together for a good cause. We can make a big difference in a short period of time with focus, determination and teammwork.”

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