New Hampshire Football Report

NHIAA Previews: Windham

Windham Jaguars

Coach: Jack Byrne (first season)
Division/Conference: Division I South
2018 Record: 6-3
Returning Starters Offense: 6
Returning Starters Defense: 6
Key Returnees: Mason Belsky (OL/DL), Bobby Dicicco (TE/LB), Riley Desmarais (RB/LB), Dylan Szostak (OL/DL)
Season Opener: Sept. 6 at Bedford
Coach’s Comment: “This season marks our first year without Coach Bill Raycraft (now at Malden Catholic), and we know our players and coaches will be pushing themselves to the limit to make him proud and keep building on what he started.  The character, resiliency, and toughness of our seniors shows that they are ready for the challenges of a new chapter. Division I South has great coaches and tough, talented kids, so it will be fun to battle with those guys week to week.  We are also really excited to play Bedford right out of the gate.  They do things the right way there on and off the field, and we try our best to do the same, so it will be a big night.  From our perspective, Division I is wide open so it’s tough to predict anything in terms of wins and losses, but we know there are a lot of coaches and programs who work really hard, so whoever finishes on top will definitely have to pay the price and earn it.”


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