New Hampshire Football Report

NHIAA Previews: Alvirne

Alvirne Broncos

Coach: Tarek Rothe (third season)
Division II South
2018 record:
9-3 (lost to Plymouth in Division II championship game)
Returning Starters Offense: 
Returning Starters Defense: 
Key Returnees: 
Grady Hudson (WR/S), Travis Perry (WR/RB), Dylan Bliss (WR/LB), Kyle Gora, (QB/LB), Kyle Boucher (WR/DB), Morgan Williams (WR/DB), Alec Prescott (RB/LB), Alex Giuffrida (RB/LB), Donny Buchanan (RB/LB), Mitch Dobek (OL/LB), Evan Noone (OL/DL), Thomas Keegan (OL/DL), Tyler Clegg (OL/DL), Tommy Tran (OL/DL), Saram Nadeem (OL/DL), Anthony Ciampo (OL/DL).
Season Opener: 
Sept. 6 vs. Pelham
Coach’s Comment:
We have a strong core of seniors with great leadership and character. We have some great returning starters for some of whom this will be their third year starting. The competition in the South conference of division 2 is incredible with some amazing athletes and terrific coaching. We look forward to the challenge and hope to make a return appearance in the postseason this year.”


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