New Hampshire Football Report

NHIAA Previews: St. Thomas

St. Thomas Saints

Coach: Dave Bryant (first season)
Division/Conference: Division II South
2018 Record: 9-2 (lost in Division II semifinals)
Returning Starters Offense: (4)
Returning Starters Defense: (5)
Key Returnees: Tim Bonagura (OL/DL), Stone Compton (RB/LB), Hunter Lassard (RB/LB), Will MacLean (WR/DB), Cameron Paquette (QB/DB), Kyle Stamoulis (OL/DL), Adam Stewart (RB/DB), and Quinn Wade (WR/LB).
Season Opener: Sept. 7 vs Souhegan
Coach’s Comment: This season marks one in transition at many levels in the program as former head coach Ryan Brown had to step away from coaching and we have to replace a talented group of 13 graduates that include the Division II South Football Player of the Year (QB Shawn Dekorne). Our coaching staff is locked and loaded and we know our players will be setting new standards as we continue the traditions of Pride, Attitude, Desire, and Sacrifice (PADS) brought to the program by Coach Brown. The perseverance and toughness of our returning team leaders show they are up to the the challenges of a new season. Division II South has amazing coaches and some real tough, gifted athletes, so we are looking forward to the fun of the week-to-week grind to compete in this division. We are also really excited to play Souhegan at home in Week 1. We have had some tough, close games with them in recent past and we look forward to crossing swords with the Sabres to start the season. Predicting anything in terms of wins and losses is very challenging at this point in the preseason with so many teams in Division II putting in the hard work; however, know this, when the dust (or snow) settles on this season, the teams battling in the playoffs come November will have been truly tested and the eventual winner will deserve to be crowned as champion.” 


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