New Hampshire Football Report

NHIAA Previews: Goffstown

Goffstown Grizzlies

Coach: Nick Hammond (first season)
Division/Conference: Division I North
2019 Record: 7-3 (Lost in Division I quarterfinals)
Returning starters (offense): 9
Returning starters (defense):
Key Returnees: Nate Belanger (OL/DL), Sr.; Matt Dalton (OL/DL), Sr.; Cooper Flanagan (WR/OLB) Sr.; Jarrett Henault (QB/OLB) Sr.; Jeremy Henault (QB/WR/DB) Sr.; Mike Levesque (WR/DB) Sr.; George Peirce (OL/DL) Sr.; Zach Picard (RB/LB) Sr.; Nick Barry (OL/DL) Jr.; Ryan Cote (RB/LB) Jr.; Aaron Duval (WR/DB) Jr.; Toby Halpern (OL/DL) Jr.; Antonio Kapos (OL/DL) Jr.; Jonah Lopez (WR/DB) Jr,; Adam Lydick (OL/LB) Jr,; Jacob Lydick (OL/DL) Jr.; Cole Martel (OL/DL) Jr.; Uziel Mpoyo (WR/RB/OLB) Jr.; Seth Osborne (WR/LB) Jr.; Caden Perry (WR/DB) Jr.; Will Sasso (WR/DB) Jr.; Bobby Schaeffer (WR/DB) Jr.; Peyton Strickland (WR/OLB) Jr.
Season opener: TBA
Coach’s Comment:After a long, and uncertain offseason we are excited to get the 2020 season underway. With a delayed start we will rely heavily on the leadership of our senior class, as well as a large number of returning starters in the junior class. We will look to continue to build upon our successful summer workouts to help us compete in an extremely competitive Division 1 North Conference.” 


New Hampshire Football Report will be posting NHIAA team previews through the end of the preseason. If you are a head coach who would like to submit information for your team preview please use the format above. If you would prefer to receive a preview questionnaire via email please contact Roger Brown at

Other teams previews that have been posted: Salem, Hollis/Brookline, Pembroke Academy, Plymouth, Milford, Alvirne, Pelham and Sanborn.

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