New Hampshire Football Report

NHIAA Previews: Gilford/Belmont

Gilford/Belmont Golden Eagles

Coach: Josh Marzahl (fifth season)
Division/Conference: Division II East
2019 Record: 4-5 (Failed to qualify for the Division II playoffs)
Returning starters (offense): 8
Returning starters (defense):
Key Returnees: Curtis Nelson (WR/CB), Alex Cheek (QB/S), Jonathan Mitchell (LB/FB),Blake Descoteaux (RB/LB), Michael Dandurand (OL/DL), Jackson Ruelke (WR/CB), Jack McLean (QB/LB) Kenny MaCabbee (OL/DL)
Season opener: TBA
Coach’s Comment: “We are excited to see the majority of starters return on both sides of the ball this season. Offensively, reducing turnovers and finishing in the red zone are going to be the keys to success. Defensively, we are going to have to find ways to produce more turnovers and limit big plays. We are excited to get back to work.”


New Hampshire Football Report will be posting NHIAA team previews through the end of the preseason. If you are a head coach who would like to submit information for your team preview please use the format above. If you would prefer to receive a preview questionnaire via email please contact Roger Brown at

Other teams previews that have been posted: SalemBow, Bishop Guertin, Hollis/Brookline, Nashua North, Pembroke AcademyPlymouthMilfordAlvirne, Pelham, Goffstown and Sanborn.

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